巴黎和約導致了德國的強烈不滿,終使德國侵略再起,觸發二次大戰。 由於《凡爾賽條約》極度苛刻,不但要求德國賠償330億美元,更限制德國陸軍人數至10萬人和承擔所有戰爭罪責等,使德人對戰勝國產生強烈的仇視情緒。同時,威瑪共和政府簽訂喪權辱國的條約,使其一上台就得不到人民的支持。在此情況下,納粹希特拉打著推翻《凡爾賽條約》的旗號而得到人民的廣泛支持,更於1933年上台後逐步推翻《凡爾賽條約》,如於1935年單方面廢除條約中有關限制軍事的條款,重新實行徵兵制及建立海、空軍。及後,又於1936年撕毀條約,將萊茵河區重新軍事化。更甚,《凡爾賽條約》的侮辱性安排令德國一直渴望報復,並同時希望恢復強國地位,故積極進行擴張及侵略,以彌補巴黎和約中所受的民族屈辱,例如於1939年3月入侵捷克全境。及後,因《凡爾賽條約》中將但澤市劃分予波蘭,令東普魯士與德國本土分離,德國為求取回但澤市,於1939年9月1日突襲波蘭,大戰最終也在《凡爾賽條約》衍生的問題下爆發。 可見,巴黎和約激發起德國的復仇情緒,令二次大戰不可避免地必然爆發。
其一,極權主義的興起也是導致二次大戰的要因,但重要性不及巴黎和約。 極權國家的侵略行動一步一步地將世界推進戰火之中,例如德、意、日於1937年締結了「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」,建立起侵略同盟,四處侵略,例如意大利於1939年入侵阿爾巴尼亞;德國先於1938年吞併奧地利及蘇台德區,後於1939年吞併捷克,最終,大戰於德國突襲波蘭後爆發。然而,巴黎和約的重要性大於極權主義的興起。就因果關係,巴黎和約是導致極權主義興起的要因。意大利方面,意大利政府在巴黎和約中未能獲得阜姆和達爾馬西亞等地而大失民心,墨索里尼藉戰後惡劣的經濟狀況及動盪的局勢而「進軍羅馬」,於1922年取得政權,並在往後積極擴張。德國方面,希特拉藉德國人對《凡爾賽條約》的強烈的不滿情緒而上台,希望打破條約的束縛,恢復強國地位,最終導致二戰爆發。可見,巴黎和約才是二次大戰爆發的根本性因素。
To what extent did the Paris Peace Settlement (1919-23) cause the Second World War? Explain your answer with reference to European history in the period 1919-39.
The Second World War broke out merely 20 years after the First World War ended. Among the reasons behind, the failings of the Paris Peace Settlement were undeniably attributable to the war. Not only did the Settlement greatly upset Germany and Italy, but it also brought about issues related to national self-determination that eventually created an environment favorable to aggression. The Settlement made a world war inevitable and thus caused the Second World War to a large extent. Although the rise of totalitarianism, the Great Depression and the appeasement policy were also causes of the Second World War, they were clearly of less importance in comparison.
The Paris Peace Settlement stirred up discontent in Germany and led to the revival of German aggression that triggered the Second World War. The Treaty of Versailles was extremely harsh as it not only required Germany to pay US$33 billion in reparations but also restricted the German army to 100 thousand men and stated that Germany shall bear the sole responsibility for the First World War. The Treaty thus aroused great hostility among the Germans towards the victorious powers. In addition, the Weimar Republic signed several treaties against the country’s national interests and thus failed to solicit public support after its establishment. Under these circumstances, Hitler from the Nazi Party gained popular support under the banner of overthrowing the Treaty of Versailles, and he did break the Treaty step by step after his rise to power in 1933. For example, he unilaterally renounced the military clauses of the Treaty and announced the reintroduction of conscription as well as the establishment of naval and air forces in 1935, and he even scrapped the Treaty blatantly by remilitarizing the Rhineland in 1936. Worse still, motivated by the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany wanted vengeance and hoped to resume its status as a strong power. The Germans thus started territorial expansion to compensate for the national humiliation they suffered from the Paris Peace Settlement. For instance, Germany invaded the whole of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Afterwards, Germany even launched a sudden attack on Poland on 1 September 1939 to reclaim Danzig, which was ceded to Poland under the Treaty of Versailles and subsequently separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The Second World War eventually broke out due to various issues caused by the Treaty of Versailles. Therefore, the Paris Peace Settlement stirred up revengeful sentiments in Germany and made the Second World War inevitable.
The Paris Peace Settlement also made Italy the most discontented victorious power that became one of the aggressors causing the Second World War. At the London Conference of 1915, Britain and France lured Italy into alliance with the Entente Powers with the promise of territories, including Fiume and Dalmatia; however, at the Paris Peace Conference, Britain and France did not live up to their promise and only gave Tyrol and Istria to Italy under the Treaty of Saint-Germain. Their failure to honor their promise greatly upset Italy and made it the most frustrated victorious power, sowing the seeds of the rise of Mussolini in 1922 and the aggression of Fascist Italy afterwards. For example, the Mussolini administration bombarded the Greek island of Corfu in 1923, forced Yugoslavia to cede Fiume in 1924 and established protectorate over Albania in 1926, making continued acts of aggression to make up for the territories and glory the Italians should have gained from the Paris Peace Settlement. In the late 1930s, Mussolini became even more ambitious and established the Berlin-Rome Axis (1936) with Germany, which also suffered humiliation from the Settlement, to support each other’s aggression. After the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, Italy also sent troops to Albania in April of the same year to demonstrate its strength. In May 1939, the two countries even signed the Pact of Steel that formalized their aggressive alliance. The Second World War eventually became inevitable with the aggression of Germany and Italy. It was clear that the Paris Peace Settlement stirred up dissatisfaction among the Italians and turned Italy into a major accomplice that contributed to the world war.
The principle of ‘national self-determination’ established in the Paris Peace Settlement also became a major cause of the Second World War. At the Paris Peace Conference, Woodrow Wilson proposed the principle of ‘national self-determination’, under which people with racial or ethnic homogeneity could exercise self-governance and establish an independent state. For example, nations such as Poland and Czechoslovakia were established under the Treaty of Saint-Germain. However, the principle was heavily biased since Germany as a defeated nation was excluded from it, and the victorious powers even transferred German-inhabited territories to other countries. For example, the Treaty of Versailles prohibited Germany’s unification with Austria with a German population of 6 million, and the Treaty of Saint-Germain transferred the Sudetenland with 3 million German inhabitants to Czechoslovakia. Such unfair arrangements stirred up discontent among the Germans who became determined to overthrow the treaties. For instance, Germany carried out Anschluss with Austria and annexed the Sudetenland in 1938. In addition, the Paris Peace Settlement contained no efforts to maintain the balance of power. The newly-established nation states were too weak and lacked economic and military strength to resist the powers surrounding them, becoming easy targets for aggressors. For instance, in 1939, Germany annexed Czechoslovakia with practically no resistance and even launched a sudden attack on Poland in September of the year that sparked the Second World War. It was clear that the unfairness and failings of the principle of ‘national self-determination’ laid down in the Paris Peace Settlement acted as the catalyst for the Second World War.
Compared to the Paris Peace Settlement of significant importance, other factors only caused the Second World War to a small extent.
First of all, the rise of totalitarianism was also an important cause of the Second World War but it was not as important as the Paris Peace Settlement. Indeed, the acts of aggression by totalitarian states gradually dragged the world into a terrible war. For example, in 1937, Germany, Italy and Japan established the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis, an aggressive alliance that started invasions across the world. Their acts of aggression included the Italian invasion of Albania in 1939, the German annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland in 1938, and the German annexation of Czechoslovakia in 1939. Eventually, the Second World War was sparked off by the German sudden attack on Poland. However, the Paris Peace Settlement was more important than the rise of totalitarianism. In terms of causality, the Settlement was the reason behind the rise of totalitarianism. As for Italy, it was the failure to get the promised territories in Fiume and Dalmatia under the Settlement that made the Italian government unpopular. Taking advantage of the post-WW1 economic hardship and political instability, Mussolini organized the March on Rome, after resulted in Mussolini’s ascending to power in 1922 and his subsequent acts of aggression. As for Germany, Hitler also took advantage of the discontent with the Treaty of Versailles among the Germans to take control of the country. His intention to break out of the restraints imposed by the Treaty and resume Germany’s status as a power eventually caused the Second World War. It was clear that the Settlement was the fundamental cause of the world war.
Secondly, the Great Depression was certainly important in causing the Second World War but not as important as the Paris Peace Settlement. Not only did the Great Depression of 1929 drag democratic powers such as Britain and France into economic downturn and prompt them to adopt the appeasement policy to offer concessions to aggressor nations, but it also created a harsh economic environment that contributed to the rise of Hitler from the Nazi Party. In order to improve the German economy and look for ‘living space’, Hitler opted for territorial expansion after his rise to power, as exemplified by the German annexation of Czechoslovakia in 1939, to obtain more territories and resources for the nation. Germany’s continued acts of aggression eventually led to the Second World War. However, the Paris Peace Settlement was still more important. In terms of causality, the Treaty of Versailles enabled the domino effect of the Great Depression that embroiled Germany. Since the Treaty required Germany to pay an astronomical amount of US$33 billion in reparations, Germany had no choice but to rely on American loans, including the Dawes Plan (1924) and Young Plan (1929). Therefore, when America was hit by the Great Depression and withdrew its loans to Germany, Germany was also affected by this domino effect and more than 6 million German people were consequently unemployed. The economic turmoil led to the rise of Hitler and his acts of aggression afterwards. It was clear that the failings of the Treaty of Versailles had greater impact than the Great Depression.
Thirdly, the appeasement policy was also one of the factors that caused the Second World War but not as important as the Paris Peace Settlement. Britain and France adopted the policy of appeasement, which was to make concessions to aggressor nations in an attempt to satisfy their ambitions. For example, the two nations arranged the cession of the Sudetenland to Germany at the Munich Conference of 1938. The policy turned out to be counterproductive and only led to the German invasion of the remainder of Czechoslovakia in 1939, contributing greatly to the Second World War. However, the Paris Peace Settlement was still more important. In terms of causality, the flaws of the Settlement provided grounds for the appeasement policy. Deeming the Treaty of Versailles to be too harsh to Germany, Britain was inclined to sympathize with Germany and considered it appropriate for Germany to get back its entitled interests. Therefore, in cases such as Germany’s reintroduction of conscription and naval build-up in 1935, Britain not only turned a blind eye but also signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement to justify Germany’s naval expansion. At the Munich Conference, Britain also believed that Germany’s demand for the Sudetenland was based on the fact that Germany was excluded from the principle of national self-determination, holding a mistaken belief that Germany would stop its aggression once it got all the interests it was entitled to. It was clear that the Paris Peace Settlement was an important factor that led to the appeasement policy and promoted German aggression, and thus the Settlement was of greater importance than the policy of appeasement.
In conclusion, the Paris Peace Settlement made Germany and Italy the most discontented defeated nation and victorious power respectively and contributed greatly to the rise of totalitarianism in these two countries. Meanwhile, the unfairness and flaws of the principle of national self-determination created a perfect environment for aggression to breed. Therefore, the Paris Peace Settlement paved the way for the Second World War and caused this war of global scale to a large extent.