(a) 童軍的性質為何(4分)
(b) 辯論雙方在討論三國協約的關注點是什麼?(3分)
(c) 你是否同意歐洲的民族主義不一定會導致大戰爆發?[S+K](8分)
(a) What are the natures of scout? (4 marks)
Scouting was patriotic in nature. According to Robert Baden-Powell, father of modern scouting, the motto of scouting was ‘country first, self second’. He also claimed that their Empire ‘would go on all right’ when ‘you boys would keep the well-being of your country in your eyes above everything else. Apparently, he expected scouts to consider the country’s well-being their first priority and their own business second to the country. Patriotism was therefore a nature of scouting.
Scouting was also self-sacrificing in nature. Robert pointed out that ‘it was going to be the business of every one of you to keep our national flag flying, even if you have to bleed for it’. He thought that scouts should give up what they had - and even their lives - for other people. The quality of self-sacrificing was therefore another nature of scouting.
(b) What are the concern of the both sides when discussing over Triple Entente? (3 marks)
Their common concern was the impact on peace in Europe.
The ‘for’ side argued that the ‘present misguided policy was making a reconciliation with Germany impossible’ and worried that it would ‘produce a nightmare in Europe’. They were concerned about the negative impact of the Triple Entente on peace in Europe and the deterioration of their relations with Germany that would eventually undermine peace and stability in the continent.
The ‘against’ side claimed that there was ‘ample justification’ as long as the Tripe Entente ‘contributed to European peace’, and that ‘without it war would be inevitable’. Their concern was the positive impact of the Triple Entente on peace in Europe as they thought the Triple Entente was necessary to lower the risk of war and promote peace.
(c) Do you agree that nationalism does not necessarily lead to the Great War? [S+K] (8 marks)
To a large extent, nationalism inevitably led to the outbreak of a general war.
It was true that Source F showed nationalism did not necessarily lead to a general war. According to Source F, 96 people among the audience voted for the motion while only 60 of them voted against it. This showed the British people tended to think that ‘the Triple Entente was an unnecessary policy of Britain’, an idea that would neutralize the nationalist conflict between Britain and the Triple Alliance and make the outbreak of a general war no longer inevitable.
Also, from Source F, the ‘against’ side claimed that ‘for Germany the one necessary policy was expansion’, and ‘to meet that and other dangers, the Entente was essential and without it war would be inevitable’. On the premise that Germany would definitely carry out territorial expansion, the British people supported the establishment of the Triple Entente to create a balance of power and prevent war for the sake of their national interests. This showed that British nationalism for national interests did not necessarily lead to a general war.
Nevertheless, the fact was widespread nationalism across Europe made the outbreak of a general war inevitable.
From Source E, the scout handbook said their Empire ‘would go on all right’ as long as ‘you boys’ kept ‘the well-being of your country in your eyes above everything else’, and stressed that there would be ‘very great danger’ if they failed to do so since they had ‘many enemies abroad’ that were ‘growing daily stronger and stronger’. Apparently, Britain emphasized sacrifice for the country and demanded unconditional obedience from its people. Such extreme nationalism worried other countries and became a driving force that made a general war inevitable.
From Source E, the handbook also asked every scout to ‘keep our national flag flying’ and claimed it was ‘the business of everyone. It demanded all scouts to achieve this ‘even if you have to bleed for it’ in the way ‘your forefathers did before you’. In other words, scouts had to protect their nation from collapsing by means of war. This kind of nationalism that advocated war as a way to defend national interests would also make a general war inevitable.
From my own knowledge, Germany supported Austria-Hungary with 1/3 of its population being ethnic Germans due to Pan-Germanism. During the Sarajevo Incident, Germany even offered Austria-Hungary the ‘blank cheque’ out of nationalist concern. By boosting the confidence of the Austro-Hungarians, this made the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia inevitable.
Also, as the ‘Big Brother of the Slavs’, Russia felt the responsibility and obligation to help Serbia as part of the Slav family. During the Sarajevo Incident, Russia was the first country to announce a general mobilization in order to protect Serbia. By boosting the confidence of the Serbians, this brought the situation to a point of no return and made it impossible to prevent the outbreak of a general war.
In addition, French Revanchism against Germany was on the rise after France was defeated by Germany in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871. The French had been waiting for a chance to take revenge on Germany and the seeds of war were sown long before it happened. After the Sarajevo Incident, the President and Prime Minister of France visited Russia and showed support for the country against Germany. As a result, Russia became more confident of starting a war and France was embroiled in it. The outbreak of a general war was already inevitable at that time.
Moreover, Serbia also started the Greater Serbia Movement with a view to expanding its territory and had been resentful about the Austro-Hungarian territorial expansion in the Balkans. In 1914, the Austro-Hungarian heir presumptive to the throne Archduke Ferdinand visited Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, for a military parade. Provoked by the visit, an extreme Serb nationalist assassinated the archduke. This assassination made Austria-Hungary determined to punish Serbia harshly and triggered the world war that was no longer preventable.
In conclusion, British nationalism did not necessarily lead to a general war, but other kinds of nationalism across Europe created fierce competitions as well as hostility between different races, and it sowed the seeds of a general war. Therefore, under the influence of nationalism, the outbreak of a general war was inevitable to a large extent.