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架構 二次大戰後,以美國為首的盟總政府對日本的佔領同時帶來了正面和負面影響,但相較之下,在政治、經濟、軍事等方面帶來的影響是福多於禍,但於外交方面則是禍多於福。 // 立場因此,題目所言在大程度上能夠成立。

主旨句 政治方面,盟總政府的佔領為日本帶來了民主,是福多於禍。 // 項目B(禍) 二次大戰後,盟總政府佔領了日本,日本的政治由盟總政府操控,失去自主權,例如被迫實行非軍事化的措施,審判東條英機等前政府的主要官員,日本以戰敗國的身份受到外國勢力的管治,此乃盟總政府佔領所帶來的負面影響。 // 項目A(福) 然而,盟總政府使民主得到在日本確立,為日本政治帶來頗大的好處。在非軍事化方面,召開了遠東戰爭法庭,審判了6,000名軍人及整肅了20萬右翼分子,有助剷除軍國主義思想。此外,在民主化方面,盟總政府為日本頒布了《昭和憲法》(1947年),廢除天皇權力﹑提高下議院權力,並開展全民選舉的年代,帶來了極大的好處。 // 對比 ( ~ 20%) 相比之下,雖然盟總政府的佔領使日本在短期內失去自主權,但卻為日本剷除了軍國主義,使獨裁統治不再出現於日本,更令民主得以真正開始在日本萌芽,故是福多於禍。






‘The Allied occupation after the Second World War brought Japan more gains than losses.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

After the WW2, the American SCAP government brought both positive and negative impact to Japan. In comparison, it brought more gains than losses in Japan’s political, economic, military aspects while there were more losses than gains in diplomatic aspect. Therefore, the statement is true to a large extent.

In political aspect, the SCAP government brought democracy to Japan, which was more gains than losses. After the WW2, the SCAP government occupied Japan and Japan’s politics was controlled by the US. Japan lost autonomy as a result. For example, Japan was forced to carry out demilitarization, Hideki Tojo東條英機 and his officials from the former government were sentenced. Japan was dominated by foreign power as a defeated country. This was a negative impact brought by the SCAP government. However, democracy was introduced and promoted in Japan as a result of the occupation, which brought lots of benefits. In terms of demilitarization, Military Tribunal戰爭法庭 for the Far East was convened, in which about 6000 soldiers were sentenced and over 200 thousand people supporting Japan’s expansionist policy were purged. This helped remove militarism. In terms of democratization, the US provided Japan with democratization reforms such as the 1947 Showa constitution昭和憲法, which disbanded the army, enhanced the power of lower house and embarked on an era of universal suffrage. This brought numerous benefits to Japan. In comparison, the SCAP occupation made Japan lose autonomy in the short run but it did remove militarism in Japan and autocracy no longer revived in Japan. Democracy started to develop in Japan. Hence, there were more gains than losses.

In economic aspect, the SCAP occupation facilitated the economic development of Japan, having more gains than losses. Though the occupation of the US made Japan lose the power to control its own economy, for example, the SCAP government forced the dissolution of zaibatsu. Farmland was also released. This destroyed the initial mode of economy, which was a negative impact. Nonetheless, the SCAP occupation brought more benefits than harm as the SCAP government was enthusiastic about helping Japan rebuild its economy. For instance, in terms of industry, in order to prevent the zaibatsu from monopolizing the economy and limiting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, Anti-Monopoly Act禁止壟斷法 was introduced in 1947 to dissolve the zaibatsu and facilitate the economic development. Besides, in terms of agriculture, the Land Reform Act土地改革法 was launched in 1946 so as to release farmland and increase productivity. With the efforts of the SCAP government, Japan’s economy developed rapidly. The annual growth in economy between 1946 and 1951 was 9.9% while the foreign exchange reserves increased from US$200 million in 1949 to US$1.14 billion in 1952, which reflected the rapid growth in economy. In comparison, despite the fact that Japan lose autonomy in economy, its unfavorable economic mode was broken and allowed the growth of economy. This favored the development afterwards, having more gains than losses.

In military aspect, the SCAP occupation brought more gains than losses on Japan’s military development. Undoubtedly, Japan’s military development was suppressed owing to the occupation as right-wingers were purged and army was disbanded. The military strength was greatly weakened. Nevertheless, the American occupation was beneficial in the long run. In addition to disbanding the Japanese army, the US signed the Mutual Security Pact日美安全保障條約(1951) with Japan before it ended its occupation in 1952. Thus, the US troops continued to station in Japan for its defense while Japan retained its self-defense force with a small number of soldiers. Due to the US military assistance, the military expenses of Japan greatly decreased and only accounted for 1% of the national expenditure. This allowed Japan to concentrate on its economic recovery. Although the arrangements as such hindered the military strength of Japan, the US station could replace this demerit. Later, with the thriving economy of Japan, it was able to re-develop its military strength and its military expenses even became the second in the world in 1983. At the end of the 20th century, the navy of Japan ranked high in the world. Its military strength was powerful. In comparison, it is undeniable that the occupation limited the military development of Japan and brought negative impact in the short term, it helped balance the overall development of Japan in various areas. This allowed Japan to become one of the powerful nations in the late 20th century. Hence, there were more gains than loss.

Although the SCAP occupation brought more benefits than losses in political, economic and military aspects, there were more losses than gains in diplomatic aspect.

In diplomatic aspect, Japan was embroiled in the Cold War due to the SCAP government, having more losses than gains. Though the American government helped Japan improve relations with neighboring countries, Japan’s relations with neighbouring countries did improve. For example, San Francisco Conference was held in 1951, which coordinated the reparations between Japan and Southeast Asian countries. Yet, the US occupation brought more losses than benefits in Japan’s diplomacy as the SCAP government capitalized on Japan, making it a barrier to prevent communism from expanding in Asia. Japan was involved in the Cold War as a result. Take Korean War韓戰(1950-53) as an example. The US used Japan as its base to provide military supplies to confront the army of North Korea北韓 and China中國 during the war. This worsened the relations between Japan and China and North Korea. Peace in Asia region was greatly undermined. Meanwhile, due to Japan’s involvement in the Cold War, under the domination of the US, Japan became the capitalist bloc and its diplomacy was dominated by the US. Japan lost its autonomy in diplomacy and its diplomatic development was limited. In comparison, it is true that the SCAP occupation did help Japan improve relations with neighbouring countries, its autonomy in diplomacy was lost. Worse still, Japan was even entangled in the Cold War and its diplomacy was only confined to the capitalist bloc. Hence, Japan’s diplomatic development was limited and losses outweighed benefits.

By and large, the occupation of the SCAP government brought more gains than losses to a large extent. Despite the fact that Japan was forced to be involved in the Cold War, Japan underwent transformations in various aspects. This allowed it to become a powerful nation in the late 20th century.




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