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定義 「革命」與「改革」同樣希望達致破舊立新的作用,革新狀況,但兩者不同之處在於革命由下而上帶來轉變,但改革則由在位者推行,從上而下實施。20世紀上半葉,革命主要包括辛亥革命、五四運動及共產主義革命,而改革則主要是晚清政府及南京政府的改革。 // 架構就實現中國現代化而言,革命於社會方面較改革有效,但在政治方面則與改革的成效參半,於經濟及外交方面更較改革遜色。// 立場因此,題目所言在小程度上成立。

主旨句 社會方面,革命較能喚起國民的公民意識,對實現中國現代化的成效大於改革。 // 項目A 雖然改革也能摒棄部分的社會陋習,例如晚清期間廢除禁止滿漢通婚的不平等規定,南京政府又成功廢止了纏足及吸食鴉片等社會陋習,同時,又於1934年開展的「新生活運動」提倡「禮﹑義﹑廉﹑恥」等傳統美德,有助喚醒民族醒覺和共融合作的精神。 // 項目B 然而,革命對於實踐社會現代化的成效大。辛亥革命後,孫中山提出了「五族共和」的思想,成為了中國種族平等及共融相處,尊重民族多元化的重要一步。及後,五四運動期間的大規模式遊行示威成為公民運動的榜樣,使日後人民更積極參與自發性運動,如要求廢除娼妓﹑反對外國工廠剝削等,有助提高中國國民的公民意識。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,由於革命是由下而上進行,人民自願性參與以作出改變,大大喚起了中國國民的公民意識,其中五四運動的精神更一直傳承至今,相反,改革是由上而下推行,因此國民參與的積極性較低,成效亦較革命遜色。






‘Revolution was more effective than reform in achieving modernization.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to the history of China in the period 1900-49.

Both “revolution” and “reform” have the same target. They hope to destroy the old and establish the new, bringing innovation to the situation. Yet the difference between them is that “revolution” brings changes from bottom to top, whilst “reform” is carried out by the incumbent from top to bottom. In the first half of the 20th century, revolution mainly included the 1911 Revolution, the May Fourth Movement and the Communist Revolution, whereas reform primarily included the Late Qing Reform and the reforms of the Nanjing government. In terms of achieving modernization in China, revolution was more effective than reform in social aspect. However, in political aspect, revolution had similar effectiveness with reform. In economic and diplomatic aspects, revolution was even less effective to reform. Therefore, to a small extent, I agree with the statement.

In social aspect, revolution had greater effectiveness than that of reform in achieving modernization in China as it could awaken people’s civic awareness more. Undoubtedly, reform could get rid of some undesirable social customs. For example, the ban of Manzu-Han intermarriage禁止滿漢通婚 was lifted in the Late Qing Reform and foot-binding纏足 and opium-smoking鴉片 were prohibited in the reform of Nanjing government. The New Life Movement新生活運動 was launched in 1934, which promoted the Confucian virtues of “propriety, righteousness, honesty and the sense of shame” (li, yi, lian, chi), arousing mass consciousness, the spirit of cooperation and civil awareness. However, revolution was more significant than reform in achieving social modernization. After the 1911 Revolution, Sun Yat-sen proposed the “five-group harmony五族共和”, which was an important step to equal and harmonious coexistence of different races in China, and respect ethnic diversity. Later, the large scale protest during the May Fourth Movement became the model of citizens’ movement. People joining citizens’ movements more voluntarily later, such as movements against prostitution娼妓 and exploitation of foreign industries外國工廠剝削. Civic awareness of the Chinese was raised. By comparison, as revolution was carried out from bottom to top which people join it voluntarily to make changes, people’s civic awareness was raised greatly. The spirit of the May Fourth Movement still passed down to us now. On the contrary, reform was carried out from top to bottom, therefore people’s incentives to join was lower. The effectiveness of reform was not as good as that of revolution.

As shown above, revolution was more effective than reform in achieving social modernization in China. Yet, in political, economic and diplomatic aspect, revolution was not more effective than reform.

In political aspect, both reform and revolution had low effectiveness in achieving political modernization in China. For reform, the late Qing government and the Nanjing government made efforts to attain political modernization. For example, the late Qing government attempted to carry out constitutional reform. Provincial assemblies諮議局, the National Assembly資政院and the cabinet內閣 were established, trying to turn China into a country with constitutional monarchy. The Nanjing government adopted the five-power system五權分立, and try to turn China into a republican country gradually according to Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Fundamentals of National Reconstruction五權分立’. For revolution, the 1911 Revolution successfully ended the 2000-year monarchy and established the first republic, breaking the old politics of China. The Communist Revolution led by Mao Zedong also ended the rule of the Nanjing government. In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) set up the People’s Republic of China, starting new politic rule in China. Yet, both reform and revolution lacked effectiveness in achieving political modernization in China. This was because, first, the constitutional reform in late Qing was just trying to carry out centralization中央集權 and consolidate the power of the emperor. Second, the Nanjing government also ruled China by one party一黨治國 and it tried to exterminate the CCP continuously. On the other hand, although the 1911 Revolution ended the monarchy, democratic system was not established. Even worse, China fell into the dictatorship of Yuan Shikai袁世凱. Revolution was not successful. As for the Communist Revolution, although it was successful, it was an autocratic political system, which violated democratic politics which were considered as modernized. Therefore, by looking at the overview of the political development in China in the first half of the 20th century, China was still in autocratic rule, so both reform and revolution had low effectiveness.

In economic aspect, revolution was not more effective than reform in attaining modernization. Undoubtedly, revolution had certain effectiveness in promoting economic modernization in China. For instance, after the 1911 Revolution, national enterprises sprouted up. Also, overseas Chinese had high hopes for the new China and returned, helping national enterprises民族企業 to develop rapidly. During the May Fourth Movement, people supported local goods and boycotted the foreign ones. For example, the Society for the Use of National Goods勸用國貨會 was set up in Shanghai in 1915, which helped the development of national enterprises. Yet, the effectiveness of reform was even greater. For example, in Late Qing period, commercial laws such as the Company Act公司律 and the Articles of Association公司章程 were drafted, reforming commercial laws in China. Later, the Nanjing government pushed forward economic reforms. It reformed the monetary system by replacing silver dollars with banknotes紙幣 in 1935. At the same time, it assisted local industries and extended railways like the Guangdong-Hankou Railway粵漢鐵路 opened in 1936, which helped develop the industry. It was called the “Golden Ten Years黃金十年” of the economy in China. The effectiveness was quite great. By comparison, the effectiveness of revolution was lower because economic modernization relied more on central planning by the government. Measures could be carried out by the government to create beneficial business environment. Revolution itself would cause political chaos, which was not beneficial to economic development so it was less effective. On the contrary, reform could meet the criteria mentioned above more than revolution did. The reforms on commercial laws商業法則 and monetary system貨幣制度 by the Late Qing government and the Nanjing government reached brilliant effectiveness as they could destroy the old and establish the new, which were more effective in attaining economic modernization in China.

In diplomatic aspect, revolution was not more effective than reform in achieving modernization. Admitted, revolution could raise the diplomatic status of China. For instance, in the May Fourth Movement五四運動, due to the strong protest, the Western powers revised the decision about Shandong problem in the Washington Conference華盛頓會議(1921-22). Japan’s rights were abolished, which restored the sovereignty of China. Yet, reform was more effective in attaining diplomatic modernization in China. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was set up in the Late Qing reform was not significant to diplomatic modernization in China, the reform by the Nanjing government did. In the period of Nanjing government, it endeavored to raise the international status of China and abolish the unequal treaties of the foreign countries in China. For example, it recovered British concessions at Hankou漢口 and Xiamen廈門 during 1926-30. Tariff autonomy關稅自主權 was recognised in 1930. China successfully recover all sovereign rights in 1943 and regain its independence in sovereignty, realizing equal diplomacy in China and reaching modernization. By comparison, revolution had limited effectiveness in achieving diplomatic modernization in China. This was because, in the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai袁世凱 and the revolutionaries dared not to demand foreign powers to abolish the unequal treaties in an attempt to fight for the recognition of the Republic of China from the foreign powers. As for the May Fourth Movement, only the right of Shandong was regained. On the contrary, the reform by the Nanjing government could successfully resume all the sovereignty. Constraints which were set by the unequal treaties to China were abolished, helping China realize diplomatic modernization. Therefore, reform had greater effectiveness than revolution.

All in all, although both revolution and reform had limited effectiveness in facilitating modernization in China in the first half of the 20th century, the effectiveness of revolution was lower than that of reform by careful comparison. Therefore, to a small extent, the statement is valid.




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