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架構 文化大革命(1966-76)對中國政治、經濟、教育及外交等方面都帶來了極大的禍害,被稱為「十年浩劫」可謂是名實相符。然而,儘管文革對中國帶來的禍害是顯而易見,卻也不能完全忽視文革為中國帶來的福,因文革對農村發展及女性地位起了不可輕視的正面作用。 // 立場因此,文革在帶來極大禍害的同時,也帶來了些許的福,故題目所言不能完全成立。

主旨句政治方面,文革導致政黨機關癱瘓,並觸發「三信危機」,為一禍。 // 贊成核心A的理據文革期間,群眾不依法治理據,盲目群起批鬥,不單使法治受到重大挑戰。而且,由於超過230萬幹部被立案調查,佔文革前全國1200萬幹部的19.2%,使國家和地方的政黨機構陷入長期的癱瘓。更甚,許多領導、人才被批鬥、罷黜甚至迫害,其中原國家主席劉少奇便是其中例子,因此令中國失去大量人才,以致人才凋零。加上,文革中許多人顛倒是非,為求私利及權力而奉承毛澤東思想,如林彪、四人幫等,結果政變、鬥爭不斷,更加使人民產生「三信危機」,對共產主義失去信仰,並對中共施政失去信任及信心,削弱了中共推動社會主義現代化的號召力。 // 小結可見,文革導致政黨陷入混亂,並失去人民的信任,帶來了極大的禍害。





主旨句農村方面,文革有助農村建設及學童教育的發展,有著正面的作用。 // 反對核心B的理據雖然文革期間中國的經濟生產幾乎陷入停頓,然而自1968年毛澤東發起「上山下鄉運動」,號召城市青年到農村定居及勞動。估計文革期間合共約有1600萬知識青年到農村或偏遠地區勞動,協助修橋鋪路、開墾耕作,因此有助了中國農村的基礎建設及農業發展。此外,知識青年在農村地區辦學講課,大大推動了基礎教育的發展,使小學入學率由1963年的57%增至1976年的96%,對中國的基礎教育發展而言起了積極性的作用。 // 小結可見,文革對於中國農村建設及學童教育發展而言也有正面的影響。



‘The Cultural Revolution was a loss rather than a gain to China.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the history of China in the second half of the 20th century.

The Cultural Revolution (1966-76) did great harm to China in political, economic, educational, diplomatic and other aspects. It deserves to be assessed as ‘a ten-year disaster’. However, one cannot completely neglect the gains it brought in spite of the obvious losses it caused, because it had considerable positive effect on rural development and women’s status. That means the Cultural Revolution brought huge losses but also a few gains. Therefore, the statement is not totally valid.

Politically, the Cultural Revolution was a loss as it paralyzed party and government institution and caused the ‘San Xin Weiji三信危機’. The purges made during the Cultural Revolution were irrational. No evidence was needed to purge others. It posed a great challenge to the rule of law. Also, more than 2.3 million cadres were under investigation, which was 19.2% of the 12 million cadres in the country before the revolution. The acute shortage of officials paralyzed party, national and regional government institution, which remained unable to function properly long after the end of the revolution. Moreover, many capable leaders were purged, removed from power or even persecuted. Liu Xiaoqi劉少奇, the former State President, was a representative example. China thus lacked capable leaders. Worse still, many people swore that black is white during the revolution. Lin Biao林彪, the Gang of Four四人幫 and other people praised Mao Zedong thoughts just for self-interests and power. It led to continuous coups and struggles and eventually the ‘San Xin Weiji三信危機’. They lost faith in Communism, and also faith and confidence in the governance of the CCP. The crisis was unfavourable to the party’s attempts at socialist modernization afterwards. These show that the party slide into chaos and lost people’s confidence because of the Cultural Revolution, which was a great loss.

Economically, the long-lasting struggles during the revolution seriously hindered economic development. True, China’s economy still grew between 1967 and 1976. For example, the gross value of industrial and agricultural output and national income increased at the average annual rates of 7.1% and 4.9% respectively. Nevertheless, most of the people were preoccupied with political movements and ignored productions during the revolution. Also, Mao placed lopsided emphasis on ‘redness’ at the expense of ‘expertise’ 重紅不重專. Knowledge and technology were neglected. This greatly hindered China’s economic development. It is estimated that the ten years of the revolution cost China 5 billion yuan of national income, which exceeded the total investment in capital construction in the first 30 years of the PRC. The economic loss was the greatest in the early period. The gross value of industrial and agricultural output decreased by around 14% from 1967 to 1968. When economies of the US, European and Asian countries boomed in the 1960s and 70s, China was still suffering from political struggles and its economic development was greatly harmed. These worked against its modernization. Therefore, the revolution was a loss because of its serious hindrance to economic development.

In educational aspect, China’s education was in a period of discontinuity during the revolution and that was unfavourable to its development. Education was regarded as unproductive and worthless. People believed that ‘study is useless: the more you study, the more foolish you become讀書無用﹑愈讀愈蠢’ and ‘the more knowledge, the more reactionary知識愈多愈反動’. Cultural activities were halted and cultural development was seriously hindered. In addition, teenagers in cities were forced to leave school and work in rural areas owing to the ‘Up to the mountains and down to the countryside movement上山下鄉運動’, losing the chance to study. They thus lacked skills and knowledge. Moreover, many intellectuals and professionals were labelled as ‘reactionary authorities反動權威’ or ‘stinking old ninth臭老九’ and purged. As a result, education in China stopped. In 1982, more than 200 million people were illiterate or semiliterate. The movement created a generation lacking education and hindered Chinese educational modernization. Therefore, the revolution was definitely a loss to China as it halted Chinese educational development.

In diplomatic aspect, the anti-foreign feelings during the revolution caused more serious isolation and that worked against China’s diplomacy. People had strong anti-foreign feelings during the Cultural Revolution as Mao incited them to struggle against ‘imperialism帝國主義’, ‘revisionism修正主義’ and ‘capitalism資本主義’, which indirectly refer to Western countries and the Soviet Union. It aroused anti-foreign feeling in China. The Red Guards attacked foreign legations and assaulted ambassadors inside. Other foreigners in China were closely watched over. Also, Chinese people with foreign contact were persecuted as ‘capitalist roaders走資派’ or ‘traitors漢奸’. Consequently, China’s relations with the Western countries nearly broke off. Although Mao tried to improve relations with other countries in the early 1970s, there is no doubt that anti-foreign feelings in China was at the peak during the movement and it made China more isolated. It prevented the inflow of foreign knowledge and technology that would promote China’s modernization. Therefore, the revolution was also a loss to China in diplomatic development.

Despite the disastrous losses, the positive impact of the revolution should not be neglected.

In agricultural aspect, the revolution favoured development in the countryside and that of education, producing positive effect. Economic activities were stopped almost completely during the Cultural Revolution. However, Mao initiated the ‘Up to the Mountains and down to the countryside movement上山下鄉運動’ in 1968, encouraging youth in cities to live and work in rural areas. It is estimated that about 16 million ‘sent-down youth’ had moved to rural or remote areas to work during the revolution. They helped construct infrastructures and farm, promoting development in the countryside. In addition, the knowledgeable ‘sent-down youth’ set up schools in the rural areas and became the teachers, facilitating the development of basic education. The primary school enrolment rate increased from 57% in 1963 to 96% in 1976. Their contribution to basic education in China was significant. These show that the revolution had some positive impact on Chinese rural and educational development.

As for women’s status, the revolution was a milestone in Chinese women’s history and had profound significance. Women’s status had been increasing since the introduction of the First and Second Five-Year Plans. Based on the concept of collectivization, everyone should take his/her own roles and contribute to the society regardless of sex. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao introduced the idea of ‘women hold up half the sky婦女能頂半邊天’ and it spread all over China. Women took part in purges actively and constituted large part of the Red Guards. Women also presented in much political propaganda, promoting gender equality and women's liberation. Moreover, Jiang Qing江青, one of the leaders of the Cultural Revolution, became the role model for women. Her presence encouraged other women to join political and social movements, promoting feminism in China as well. Therefore, the revolution was a gain to China because it promoted women’s rights in China and it had considerable effect.

To conclude, the Cultural Revolution brought huge losses but also a few gains to China. Therefore, it should not be considered as a total loss rather than gain and the statement is not completely true.




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