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定義及架構 「強國」顧名思義即是強大的國家,而強國可從兩方面介定,一方面是在經濟和軍事等硬實力方面擁有富強的實力,另一方面是在政治、教育及文化方面等軟實力方面擁有龐大的影響力,使之不單能屹立於國際舞台上,更能塑造世界的發展。而20世紀下半葉的日本在上述各方面均達到了「強國」的標準,故可被視為是一個「強國」。

主旨句 經濟方面,日本在經濟方面的狀況也符合強國的指標。 // 標準 經濟強國應該是十分富裕,經濟產業名列世界前茅。 // 段落內容 20世紀下半葉的日本在經濟上達到上述標準。 在富裕程度方面,日本經濟於二次大戰後迅速復甦及增長,至1968年,日本的國民生產總值更成功超越西德,成為全球第二經濟大國。及後,至1987年,日本的人均國民收入已成功超越了經濟大國美國,其外匯儲備於同年也超越西德,居於世界首位,可見日本在經濟方面十分富庶。此外,在經濟產業方面,日本在多方面的產業均列居世界前茅,不論在漁業方面還是工業方面(汽車業、造船業),日本於20世紀下半葉均長期居於世界首三,而且在高科技產業,包括半導體、電腦、產業機械人等均是領先大部分國家,無疑是經濟強國的典範。 // 小結 可見,20世紀下半葉的日本十分富裕,而且經濟名列世界前茅,足以令其被稱為強國。







Select one ‘power’ in the second half of the 20th century and discuss why it could be regarded as a ‘power’.

Literally, a “Power” refers to a powerful nation which could be determined in two aspects. On one hand it refers to the nation which had great hard power such as economy and military; on the other hand, the nation had huge soft power with lots of influence on the political, educational and cultural aspects. This great power could not only stand firmly in the international scene; she could even shape the world’s development. Japan reached the standard of being a “power” in the second half of the 20th century and hence could be regarded as a “power”.

Economically, the economy of Japan was up to the standard of being a power. An economic power should be an affluent nation with high ranks in economic production. Japan in the second half of the 20th century matched the above standard. In terms of affluence, the economy of Japan revived and grew immediately after the Two World Wars. In 1968, the Gross National Product (GNP) 國民生產總值 of Japan successfully surpassed that of West Germany and was the second largest economy in the globe. After that in 1987, The national per capita income人均國民收入 of Japan surpassed the US, an economically big power. In the same year, the official foreign exchange reserves of Japan surpassed West Germany and ranked the first. These implied the affluence of the Japan economy. Apart from that, in terms of economic production, the production of Japan ranked high in different industries. In the second half of the 20th century, she ranked third fishery漁業 and industrial production (Automobile industry汽車業 and shipbuilding industry造船業) in the world. Japan was leading most countries in high-tech industry, including semiconductor半導體, computer電腦 and industrial robot產業機械人. It showed that Japan was a role model as an economic power. And was very affluent in the second half of the 20th century. She ranked high in the economic aspect and thus could be regarded as a power.

Militarily, the strong military strength of Japan was sufficient for her to gain the reputation as a power. A military power referred to the owning of advanced and powerful weapons. Although Japan lost in the Second World War, this could not stop her from being a military power. Japan spent less than 1% of GDP with the restriction of military expenses from 1982. In 1983, her military expenses surpassed that of Britain, France and Germany, and successfully became the second country with most military expenses. With the abundant investment on military expenditure, Japan had a lot of advanced and powerful weapons despite the fact that her self-defense force just amounted to 200,000 people. For instance, the air force owned 140 F-15J Eagle (Early 1990s) and she ranked first in Asia. Also, in terms of navy, Japan owned 60 destroyers驅逐艦 and frigates護衛艦. Apart from that, the age of vessels in service was just less than 20 years. The overall navy power was just behind that of the US after Soviet dissolution in the early 1990s. This showed Japan’s status as a power with her advanced and powerful navy strength.

Apart from the hard power of Japan in her economy and military, her soft power which included aspects like political, educational and cultural could prove her reputation as a world power.

Politically, the influence of Japan in the political aspect allowed her to be regarded as a power. A political power referred to a country which had great political influence and had huge influential power in international affairs. Japan was severally elected as a non-permanent member非常任理事國 of the United Nations Security Council since 1958. She was bearing the responsibility of preserving world peace and safety. Moreover, since the rapid economic growth of Japan in the 1950s to 1970s, Japan actively resumed her role as an international power. For instance, she continuously increased the amount of foreign aid to other countries. In 1991, the foreign aid of Japan exceeded that of the US and became the first aid giving nation in the world. She was an important force in driving the development of the developing countries. Apart from that, Japan actively worked on preserving world peace. For instance, in the 1990s, she utilized the food aid provided as an opportunity to organize the Japan-North Korea talks日朝會談 in 1991 with North Korea. The nuclear problem of North Korea was discussed. This facilitated the occurrence of the six-party talks六方會談 in the early 21st century; in 1992, Japan participated in the peace preserving movement of the United Nations in Cambodia柬埔寨 and sent 600 members of the self-defense force to help with the job of maintaining peace. This showed that Japan was an important force in shaping and affecting the international circumstance and this was a characteristic as a power.

In the educational aspect, a high academic standard made Japan to be regarded as a power. An educational power referred to the high educational standard and the great achievement in the academic development. Undeniably, Japan fulfilled the above standards in the educational aspect. Educationally, Japan implemented the 9-year universal education since the establishment of School Education Law學校教育法in 1947. Also, the Japanese government continuously invested huge sum of expenditure on education. As a result, the high school enrolment rate reached to 97% in 1999; university enrolment rate in 2000 amounted to 49.1% and was leading the world. Apart from that, the academic standard of Japan was developing in an affluent way. Universities such as the University of Tokyo東京大學 and Kyoto University京都大學 were world-renowned. Moreover, Japan produced a lot of academic dissertations and she ranked second in the market both before and after 2000. Furthermore, there were 9 Japanese scholars winning the Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎 within 1950-2000. She was the country with most prizes apart from the Western countries. This reflected her academic standard was the best in Asia and could compete with that of the West. This showed that the high educational and academic standards made Japan to be regarded as a power by the world.

Culturally, Japan’s great influential power on culture could reflect her status as a power. A cultural power referred to a country which could not only preserve her own unique characteristics, but could also spread her culture to other countries and affected their development. Japan, in the second half of the 20th century, could fulfill the above standard. Japan was successful in preserving her own culture. For instance, Japan traditional custom ‘Kimono’ 和服 could be preserved even it failed to match the characteristics of a modern industrial society. People still wear it in traditional festivals. Moreover, some unique culture of Japan was exported to other countries and this greatly affected their cultural development. For instance, the food culture of sushi壽司 and ramen拉麵 was found in the nearby Asian countries. People could have a taste on them in the major cities in the world as well. Furthermore, the animation and entertainment culture influenced the entire world as well. For example, animations like Doraemon叮噹 and Captain Tsubasa足球小將 were very popular in the globe. These examples could reflect the strong cultural influence of Japan. She contributed a lot in shaping the cultural development of the world. This showed that she could be regarded as a power in the cultural aspect.

To sum up, Japan could be regarded as a power for her hard power such as economic and military strength. She could also achieve the status for her soft power in the political, educational and cultural aspects. Therefore, she deserved to be regarded as a power in the late 20th century.




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