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定義 大躍進(1958-60年)和改革開放(1978-2000年)均希望將中國打造成一個現代化國家,從封建、落後的環境走向先進、文明。 // 立場然而,兩次的努力卻有著截然不同的計劃,故題目所言確能成立。 // 架構以下,將從政治、經濟及外交方面討論。

主旨句 政治上,大躍進和改革開放均希望把中國打造成一個社會主義現代化國家。 // 目標(項目A) 大躍進方面,大躍進的總路線中清楚將「力爭上游,多快好省地建設社會主義」設為目標。// 目標(項目B) 至於改革開放時期,鄧小平亦強調中國正處於「社會主義初級階段」,需要用上百年時間才年把中國變為一社會主義國家。 // 小結可見,大躍進和改革開放的政治目標均希望是將中國變成為社會主義國家。

主旨句 為了實現上述目標,大躍進和改革開放實行了不同的計劃。 // 計劃內容(項目A) 大躍進希望透過提高集體化和公有化程度以令中國蛻變成為社會主義國家,例如在集體化方面,「人民公社」遍地開花,超過99%民眾已加入人民公社,並且設「生產隊」進行集體化生產:公有化方面,所有財產收歸國有,廢除財產私有制,有助中國成為社會主義國家。 // 計劃內容(項目B) 相反,改革開放是降低集體化和公有化程度。因鄧小平強調貧窮不是社會主義,其主張先讓經濟發展起來,再逐步實現中國社會主義現代化,故其允許財產私有制,同時廢止人民公社,並實行「家庭聯產承包責任制」(1979年),准許農民個體化生產,以振興經濟發展從而推動中國成為社會主義國家。 // 對比(~20%) 相比之下,儘管大躍進和改革開放均希望將中國打造成一個社會主義國家,但大躍進急於求成,希望短期內提高集體化和公有化程度以實現,而改革開放則是訂立長遠目標,透過降低集體化和公有化程度以刺激經濟發展,從而按步就班地實現,可見兩次努力是殊途同歸。






‘The Great Leap Forward (1958-60) and the Reform and Opening Up (1978-2000) had different programmes to achieve similar aims.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

The Great Leap Forward (1958-60) and the Reform and Opening Up (1978-2000) had the same goal of modernizing China and guiding it out of feudalism and backwardness towards advancement and civilization, but with completely different programmes. The statement concerned is therefore valid and this essay is going to discuss it in political, economic and diplomatic aspects.

Politically, both movements aimed at making China a socialist modernized country. As for the Great Leap Forward, the General Line for Socialist Construction clearly put down its goal as ‘aiming high and achieving greater, faster, better, and more economical results in building socialism力爭上游,多快好省地建設社會主義’. During the Reform and Opening Up period, Deng Xiaoping also emphasized that China was still in the ‘primary stage of socialism社會主義初級階段’ and it would take more than a hundred years to transform the country into a socialist one. Therefore, both movements had the same political goal of turning China into a socialist country.

To achieve the above goal, dissimilar programmes were implemented in the two movements. In the Great Leap Forward, the levels of collectivization and public ownership were raised in order to transform China into a socialist country. In terms of collectivization集體化, for example, the People’s Communes人民公社 were widely established and more than 99% of the people joined, within whom production teams生產隊were formed, for collectivized production. In terms of public ownership公有化, expropriating all properties for public use and abolishing private ownership helped make China a socialist country. On the contrary, the Reform and Opening Up was to reduce the levels of collectivization and public ownership because Deng believed poverty was not socialism and he proposed economic development should be put before socialist modernization. Therefore, there came permission of private ownership, abolishment of the People’s Communes and introduction of the Household Responsibility System家庭聯產承包責任制(1979), which allowed peasants to have individualized production, in order to boost China’s economic development and contribute to its socialist transformation. Relatively speaking, both movements aimed at developing China into a socialist country, but the Great Leap Forward sought quick success by increasing the levels of collectivization and public ownership rapidly, while the Reform and Opening Up had long-term goals and these levels were reduced to stimulate economic development and fulfill its objective step by step. It can be concluded that the two movements had different means for the same result.

Economically, both movements were intended to promote China’s economic development for the sake of modernization. Speaking of the Great Leap Forward, its intention was to deal with the economic backwardness of China by boosting industrial and agricultural production. In industrial aspect, for example, there were clear goals that the country’s steel output should ‘overtake Britain and catch up with the US超英趕美’ in fifteen years and, for the short term, the steel output in 1958 should double that of 1957. Concerning the Reform and Opening Up, there were also explicit economic goals that China’s GNP in 1990 should double that of 1980 to settle the people’s basic needs, the GNP in 2000 should again double that of 1990 to attain moderate prosperity, and the GNP in 2050 should reach a level close to that of certain developed countries. It is therefore understood that both movements had the same objective of promoting China’s economic development.

To achieve the above goal, different programmes were adopted in the two movements. The plan for the Great Leap Forward was to work on self-sufficiency and realize the Great Leap Forward in industry and agriculture with the power of the masses. Collective efforts were made regarding steel and agricultural production for the purpose of economic development. As for industry, Mao started the nationwide steel production campaign全民大煉鋼, under which more than 90 million people participated in steel refinement by indigenous methods土法煉鋼, to increase steel output; as for agriculture, the Party encouraged peasants to ‘plough deep and plant close深耕密植’ and developed ‘satellite farms衛星田’. Contrastively, the plan for the Reform and Opening Up was to open China up gradually. For example, four special economic zones經濟特區 were established in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen in 1980, and after that more than 30 cities along Yangtze River and China’s state border were opened up to facilitate foreign trade and, subsequently, economic development. Comparatively speaking, where the Great Leap Forward was an exclusive domestic reform where the power of the masses was employed to build China’s economy, the Reform and Opening Up was an inclusive reform programme which relied on foreign capital, together with manpower and resources within the nation, to stimulate economic development. Therefore, the two efforts achieved the same goal with different programmes.

Diplomatically, both movements were intended to improve China’s diplomatic status so as to achieve modernization in this aspect. Concerning the Great Leap Forward, in view of its over-reliance on the Soviet Union during the First Five-Year Plan, China was eager to get rid of Soviet influence and achieve diplomatic autonomy and higher international status. As for the Reform and Opening Up, China, after the ten-year Cultural Revolution, had bad relations with most countries, including South Korea and India, and suffered diplomatic isolation. The reform was therefore aimed at improving China’s foreign relations in order to enhance its diplomatic status and make a comeback to the international community. It is therefore understood that both movements were intended to improve the country’s diplomatic status.

For the goal of improving diplomatic status, different programmes were adopted during the two movements. As for the Great Leap Forward, the movement reduced China’s reliance on the Soviet Union. Projects under the movement were mostly domestic and executed independently, exemplified by steel refinement by indigenous methods土法煉鋼 that required low skills. This was to reduce the country’s reliance on Soviet technical support so as to enhance its diplomatic autonomy and international status. On the contrary, the Reform and Opening Up was intended to increase China’s interactions and connections with the outside in order to raise its diplomatic status. Its efforts included further opening its port cities up and trading with other countries. Meanwhile, multilateral diplomatic policy was adopted not only to improve China’s relationship with capitalist nations by resuming diplomatic relations with countries like the US, South Korea and India, but also to seek connections with third-world countries like those in Africa. China could therefore have greater influence over international affairs. Relatively speaking, both movements were intended to modernize China by boosting its diplomatic status, but the Great Leap Forward was to reduce its reliance on other countries and achieve greater autonomy, while the Reform and Opening Up was to increase connections with other countries and raise its diplomatic influence. It is clear that in the two periods there were similar goals but different programmes.

To conclude, although both movements were attempts to bring transformation and modernization to China, there were significant differences in their contents. The statement concerned is therefore proven valid.




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