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Which of the following leaders do you think was a greater leader for China?

(a) Sun Yat-sen

(b) Mao Zedong

A ‘great’ leader should have remarkable personal achievements, make contributions and sacrifices for others instead of focusing on his own interests, and care about the common people. Both Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong were of crucial importance to the development of China as the former has been dubbed the founding father of the Republic of China while the latter was a prominent figure in the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Upon comparison, Sun was a greater leader compared to Mao. This essay is going to discuss it from political, social and diplomatic perspectives.

Politically speaking, a great leader should be able to promote China’s political development and sacrifice his own power and interests for the sake of China. As for Mao, he was one of the founding members and the leader of the Communist Part of China (CPC). Under his leadership, the CPC defeated the Kuomintang (KMT) and established the People’s Republic of China中華人民共和國 in 1949. After that, Mao made active efforts to promote China’s socialist revolution. In 1952, he launched the First Five-Year Plan第一個五年計劃 to build cooperation by calling on peasants and handicraftsmen to set up cooperatives, and to achieve nationalization國有化 by nationalizing large enterprises and railways. In 1956, Mao announced that China had achieved socialism and transformed from a capitalist country into a communist one.

As for Sun, he also contributed significantly to China’s political development. Since the establishment of China’s first revolutionary organization, the Xingzhonghui興中會, in 1894, Sun had made continuous anti-Qing efforts with a view to overthrowing the monarchy and making China a constitutional republic. In 1905, Sun formed the Tongmenghui同盟會 from the merger of different revolutionary groups and established the Three People’s Principles of ‘People’s Livelihood民生’, ‘Nationalism民族’ and ‘Democracy民權’. At the end, the revolutionaries with Sun as the leader managed to overthrow the Manchu Qing through the 1911 Revolution and marked the end of 2,000 years of imperial rule in China with the establishment of the Republic of China. Under Yuan Shikai’s dictatorial rule, Sun also started the Second Revolution二次革命(1913) and the National Protection War護國戰爭(1915) in an attempt to overthrow Yuan’s autocratic regime and achieve the principle of democracy by giving people the decision-making power. Sun had been devoted to China’s revolution throughout his life. Despite being seriously ill, he still reminded his comrades in 1925 that ‘the work of the Revolution was not yet done’ and the comrades should ‘strive on for its consummation’. His dedication and commitment to his nation was beyond doubt.

In comparison, Sun was a greater leader than Mao. In terms of their achievements, Sun was a key figure of overthrowing the monarchy, while Mao was the leader who established the People’s Republic of China. Both of them played an important role for China. However, in terms of the sacrifices they made for the nation, Mao as a power-hungry leader started the Cultural Revolution文革 against Liu Xiaoqi in an attempt to regain political power after being forced to retreat to the second line after the failure of the Great Leap Forward, and the ten-year disaster of the Cultural Revolution did irreparable harm to China; in contrast, Sun handed the provisional presidency臨時大總統 to Yuan Shikai in order to prevent China from becoming divided and experiencing civil wars. Pursuing national stability at the expense of his leadership role, Sun lived up to his reputation as a great leader with his altruist spirit. It was clear that Sun was a greater leader than Mao.

Socially speaking, a great leader should be able to save the people and prevent China from becoming divided by uniting the people for the development of China. As for Mao, in the face of Japanese military threats, Mao called upon the Nationalists to give up their policy of ‘internal pacification before external resistance先安內,後攘外’ and make concerted efforts against Japanese aggression, contributing to the Second United Front. Although the Chinese Civil War broke out after the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Mao led the CPC to defeat the KMT and officially unified China, saving the people from war. After the founding of the PRC, Mao also implemented the Land Reform土地改革(1950-52) in order to saving the people from food shortage. By redistributing farmland to peasants across the nation, Mao enabled the Chinese people to farm their own land and feed themselves.

Sun also played a significant role in promoting China’s social development. Before the 1911 Revolution, Sun proposed the principle of nationalism and the program to ‘expel the northern barbarians驅除韃虜’ in order to liberate the Han people who were controlled by the Manchus. After overthrowing the Manchu rule and freeing the Han people in 1911, Sun wanted to pool the wisdom and power of different races. Therefore, he put aside his grudges with the Manchus and changed his idea of ‘nationalism’ to that of ‘five-group harmony五族共和’ among the Han, the Manchus, the Hui, the Mongols and the Tibetans in pursuit of racial equality and national unity. In addition, slogans such as ‘racial harmony民族融和’ became known across the nation after the 1911 Revolution. After that, Sun even proposed the concept of ‘the Chinese nation中華民族’ that entailed the five races to replace the old monoethnic nationalism. By establishing the concepts of ‘the Chinese nation’ and ‘the Chinese ethnicities’, Sun contributed to racial unity and brought all races in China together to develop the nation.

In comparison, Sun was a greater leader than Mao. In terms of saving the people, it was true that Sun did not address the issues of people’s livelihood and improve their life; nevertheless, Mao started the Great Leap Forward大躍進(1958-60) with the intention of achieving instant success and caused the Chinese economy to regress. Bringing about great famines that killed 15 to 30 million people, Mao’s over-ambitious attempt was a devastating event in Chinese history. In terms of uniting the Chinese people, despite that Mao created the New China, he divided the Chinese nation since the KMT fled to Taiwan and there was the opposition between mainland China and Taiwan. Besides, Mao advocated for ‘class revolution階級革命’ and made continuous attempts to purge dissidents, including the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) that aimed at fighting against ‘capitalist roaders’. As a result, society became seriously divided and morally degenerated. In contrast, Sun managed to unite different races and even put aside political differences to forge ‘alliance with Russia and the Community Party聯俄容共’, under which Chinese Communists were admitted into the KMT with a view to jointly strengthening China. His inclusiveness characterized him as a truly great leader. Therefore, Sun was a greater leader for China than Mao.

Diplomatically speaking, a great leader should be able to raise China’s international status and connect the nation to the world. As for Mao, he made active efforts to strengthen China’s ties with the Soviet Union in the early years of the establishment of the PRC. For example, in 1950, Mao signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance中蘇友好同盟條約 to promote cooperation with the Soviet Union. In addition, Mao also intended to exert more influence in the communist bloc with a hard-line foreign policy. For instance, he intervened in the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) and the Vietnam War (1961-75) in favour of North Korea and North Vietnam against the capitalist bloc. With Chinese assistance, North Korea was able to resist South Korea as well as the United Nations forces, and North Vietnam even defeated its southern counterpart. There was thus a significant rise in China’s status in the communist bloc. Moreover, Mao fought for China’s membership in the United Nations聯合國 and succeeded in 1971, helping connect China to the world.

Sun also facilitated China’s diplomatic development. Among Sun’s Three Principles of the People, the principle of nationalism was meant to not only overthrow the Manchu regime but also free China from foreign domination. Before the 1911 Revolution, Sun lobbied different countries hard for their recognition of the Chinese revolution in order to protect the fruits of revolution against foreign powers. After the success of the revolution, Sun continued his endeavor to fight for the interests of China. For instance, in 1923, Sun and Soviet Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Adolph Joffe signed the Sun-Joffe Manifesto孫文越飛宣言, under which the Soviet Union agreed to abolish its unequal treaties with China and recognized Outer Mongolia as part of China. This helped promote China’s international status. In addition, after the 1911 Revolution, Sun also advocated the use of the Western Calendar and the abolition of evil practices such as foot-binding and slavery in the Republic of China, helping China converge with world standards culturally.

In comparison, Sun was a greater leader than Mao. In terms of connecting China to the world, Mao’s diplomatic policy of ‘leaning to one side一邊倒’ in favor of the communist bloc alienated China from capitalist countries. For example, China was condemned by Western Countries and experienced embargo禁運 by the United Nations for its intervention in the Korean War, and the Sino-Soviet split took place after Mao criticized Soviet leader Khrushchev for being a ‘capitalist roader’ in the late 1950s. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao incited strong anti-foreign sentiments among the Red Guards紅衛兵, who therefore attacked foreign legations and ambassadors. What Mao did got China caught up in diplomatic isolation and disconnected the nation from the rest of the world. In contrast, Sun made active efforts to build ties with other countries. Even for the communist Soviet Union that showed significant ideological differences with him, Sun could still put aside the differences and put Chinese interests first. Through the meeting with Adolph Joffe越飛, Sun worked hard to revoke the unequal treaties the Soviet Union had with China and forge close ties with the communist power with a view to facilitating China’s integration into the global community. Therefore, Sun was a greater leader compared to Mao.

In conclusion, Sun differentiated himself from Mao with his inclusiveness, altruism and devotion for China and lived up to his reputation as the founding father. Despite being one of the crucial leaders who created modern China, Mao failed to either hold back his hunger for power and political views, or genuinely care about his people and pursue national interests rather than personal interests. Therefore, Sun was a greater leader compared to Mao.




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