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‘There were more continuities than changes with respect to the development of Japan in the first half of the 20th century.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

Japan experienced dramatic changes in the first half of the 20th century, going from party politics to militarist dictatorship and to the SCAP occupation after its defeat in the Second World War. Each of these periods caused enormous changes to Japan’s development and brought about a new outlook of the country. Therefore, there were more continuities than changes with respect to Japan’s development in the first half of the 20th century. This essay is going to discuss this topic in political, economic and diplomatic aspects.

In terms of political continuities, Japan remained a monarchy throughout the first half of the 20th century. From Emperor Meiji明治天皇 in the early 20th century to Emperor Taisho大正天皇 in the period 1912-26 and his successor Emperor Showa裕仁天皇, the Emperor was always the supreme leader of Japan. Despite that the SCAP government stripped the Emperor of his power after occupying Japan in 1945, monarchy was retained as a political characteristic that existed throughout the period concerned.

In terms of changes, Japan’s political development changed from a democratic one to an autocratic one and eventually back to democratization. In the early 20th century, Japan was gradually democratized politically, as exemplified by the First Constitution Protection Movement第一次護憲運動 in 1913 that compelled the Japanese government to abolish the Military Ministers to be Active-Duty Officers Law軍部大臣現役武官制 and rid the Cabinet of military control. In addition, in 1925, the General Election Law普通選舉法 was passed to grant the right to vote to men aged 25 or above, facilitating democratic development. However, in the mid-late 1920s, the corruption of party politics led to the rise of militarism. For instance, the May 15 Incident五一五事件 of 1932, after which the post of prime minister had been filled solely by military personnel, marked the end of party politics. In 1940, the Imperial Rule Assistance Association大政翼贊會 was established to replace all political parties and officially make Japan a one-party dictatorship that was extremely autocratic. It was until Japan’s defeat in the Second World War in 1945 that the SCAP government occupied the country and introduced democratization measures, including enacting the Showa Constitution昭和憲法, increasing the power of the House of Representatives and granting the right to vote to all adult men and women, to lay a proper foundation for democracy in Japan.

In comparison, there were more changes than continuities in Japan in political aspect. In terms of monarchy, despite superficial continuity of the monarchical system, the Emperor lost his power according the Showa Constitution昭和憲法 of 1947 and had since been merely a ceremonial symbolic role no longer enjoying actual power. In addition, in terms of changes, Japan’s politics experienced different changes in the period concerned, going through democratic development, militarist rule with autocracy and the return of democratization in the SCAP period. Its development was characterized by these ups and downs. Therefore, there were clearly more changes than continuities regarding Japan’s political development.

In terms of economic continuities, the zaibatsu monopolized the Japanese economy for a long period of time in the first half of the 20th century. Since the restoration of the Meiji imperial rule in 1868, the government had had a close relationship with the zaibatsu due to their significant contributions to the anti-bakufu movement倒幕運動. Also, during the era of party politics in the early 20th century, political donations from the zaibatsu were the major sources of campaign contributions. The zaibatsu took advantage of their close relationship with the government to make huge profits and even established a monopoly on the economy. For example, in 1929, the five biggest banks, owned by the zaibatsu Mitsui三井, Mitsubishi三菱, Sumitomo住友, Yasuda安田 and Daiichi第一, controlled 34.5% of Japan’s deposits. Before 1946, a small group of financial cliques controlled significant parts of the Japanese economy. This was a distinct characteristic of Japan’s economy in the first half of the 20th century.

In terms of changes, Japan’s economic development changed from rapid expansion to recession and eventually to recovery. Before the 1920s, Japan’s economy thrived and its exports greatly increased due to its monopolization of the Chinese market when the Western powers were preoccupied with the First World War. However, in the 1920s, with the return of the Western powers to the Chinese market and different economic crises such as the Great Kanto Earthquake關東大地震 of 1923, Bank Crisis銀行危機 of 1927 and Great Depression經濟大蕭條 of 1929, the Japanese economy was ailing and more than 3 million people were unemployed. It was true that Japan’s invasion of China made more resources available to the former; nevertheless, Japan’s full-scale invasion of China beginning in 1937 led to a surge in military spending, which made up of as much as 99% of its national budget in 1944, and overwhelmed the Japanese economy. In addition to wartime destruction, Japan experienced economic recession as a result. However, towards the end of the 1940s, the SCAP government aided Japan to rebuild its economy by providing loans of US$2 billion and promulgating the Land Reform Act土地改革法(1946) to release farmland, reviving Japan’s economy after it reached rock bottom.

In comparison, there were more changes than continuities in economic aspect. In terms of the zaibatsu財閥, they did exercise a monopoly on the Japanese economy for a long period of time but they all collapsed after the SCAP government enacted the Anti-Monopoly Act禁止壟斷法, Enterprise Reorganization Act and other anti-zaibatsu regulations企業再建整備法, which contributed to a major turning point in Japan’s course of development. Also, in terms of changes in development, Japan’s economic development was characterized by ups and downs, going from prosperity to recession and finally bouncing back from rock bottom. Therefore, there were also more changes than continuities regarding Japan’s economic development.

In terms of diplomatic continuities, Japan’s relationships with the neighboring countries remained strained. There had been long-standing hostility between Japan and countries such as China and Korea. For example, in 1910, Japan forced Korea to sign the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty日朝合併條約, which upset the whole nation and made the Korean people resistant to Japanese rule. Meanwhile, Japan also forced China to accept the Twenty-One Demands廿一條 in 1915 and acquired the concessions in Shandong山東, China at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, attracting fierce criticisms from the Chinese people. In 1939, Japan even staged the July 7 Incident七七事變 and started its full-scale invasion of China. The two countries became belligerent and their relationship could not be worse.

In terms of diplomatic changes, Japan changed its allies from capitalist countries to Fascist countries, and eventually back to members of the capitalist bloc. In the early 20th century, Japan was friendly to capitalist countries. For instance, Japan formed the Anglo-Japanese Alliance英日同盟 with Britain in 1902, and joined the League of Nations, a predominantly capitalist organization, as one of the four permanent members常任理事國 of the Council. However, after the 1920s, Japan became increasingly powerful and attracted skepticism as well as discrimination from capitalist countries, as exemplified by the Immigration Act排外法案 of 1924 to ban immigration to America from Asian countries, including Japan. This resulted in increasing hostility between Japan and capitalist countries, which prompted the former to withdraw from the League in 1933 and ally itself with Fascist countries. Subsequently, Japan formed the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis柏林—羅馬—東京軸心 with Italy and Germany in 1937 and fought in the Second World War as part of the Axis Powers against capitalist countries such as Britain and the US. After its defeat in 1945, Japan was occupied by the U.S.-led SCAP government and joined back the capitalist bloc as an important buffer against the spread of communism in Asia.

In comparison, there were again more changes than continuities in diplomatic aspect for Japan. In terms of its relationships with the neighboring countries, they were strained but not immune to change. As for Japan-China relations, before Japan staged the September 18 Incident九一八事變 in 1931, their relations remained stable and never became so bad that the two countries would go to war. It was Japan’s repeated invasions of China in the 1930s that worsened their relations to a point of no return. Also, from a holistic perspective, Japan under militarist rule in the period 1932-45 experienced a major shift in foreign policy from being friendly to capitalist countries to making Fascist allies. This shift altered the direction of Japan’s diplomatic policy and caused significant changes in diplomatic aspect. Therefore, there were more changes than continuities regarding Japan’s diplomatic development.

In conclusion, in the first half of the 20th century, Japan experienced different changes in political, economic, diplomatic and other aspects, which fundamentally changed Japan into a distinctly different nation. Therefore, what the question suggests is not valid.




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