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外交方面,美國在協助日本改善與鄰國關係的同時,令日本被迫捲入冷戰的漩渦,是妨礙多於促進日本的外交發展。在促進方面,以美國為首的盟總政府協助日本改善與鄰近國家的關係,例如美國作為中間人的角色,召開了三藩市會議(1951年),協調日本與東南亞國家的戰爭賠償議題,使日本在往後能夠陸續與鄰國建交。此外,自1951年起美國的協調下,日、韓展開了長達13年零8個月的七輪會談,最終實現了日、韓於1965年的建交,日本與資本主義國家間的關係逐步建立。在妨礙方面,由於戰後的日本受到以美國為首的盟總政府的支配, 外交上大大受到美國的主導,減低了日本在外交方面的自主性。美國利用日本作為對抗共產主義的棋子,使日本與多個共產國家關係長期交惡,例如在韓戰(1950-53年)及越戰(1961-75年)中,美國利用日本作為在兩次戰爭中的補給基地,以對抗共產主義派別,驅使日本與北韓、北越及中國的關係交惡,在1970年代前未能建交,保持敵對。相比之下,就外交自主性及多元化而言,自盟總政府佔領後,日本外交政策一直受制於美國,外交方針容易受到美國的擺佈而不能自主,更因美國的緣故而使日本被迫捲入冷戰,與共產主義國家長期交惡。可見,美國妨礙多於促進日本的外交發展。


Do you agree that the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s development? Explain your view with reference to Japan’s development in the period 1945-2000.

Japan was occupied by the USA-led SCAP government after the Second World War and the USA and Japan had established strong ties with each other since then. While promoting Japan’s development, the USA also created many obstacles for the island country. Upon close comparison, the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s political, economic and military development but was quite the opposite in diplomatic aspect. Therefore, the statement is valid to a large extent.

Politically speaking, the USA made Japan lose its autonomy temporarily but laid the foundation for its democracy in the long run, facilitating more than hindering Japan’s political development. In terms of hinderance妨礙, the Japanese government lost its autonomy until 1952 to the USA-led SCAP government, which introduced various demilitarization非軍事化 measures and put principal officials of the former government such as Hideki Tojo on trial. These incidents showed the USA’s hinderance to Japan’s political autonomy. In terms of facilitation促進, the USA-led SCAP government made possible democracy in Japan. As for demilitarization非軍事化, the SCAP government convened the International Military Tribunal for the Far East遠東戰爭法庭, in which around 6,000 personnel were put on trial and over 200,000 rightists were purged, to eliminate militarist ideas and shape an environment favorable to democracy. As for democratization民主化, the SCAP government promulgated the Showa Constitution昭和憲法(1947) to strip the Emperor of all but symbolic authority, give more power to the House of Representatives and grant universal suffrage, establishing democracy in Japan that has lasted until now. In comparison, in terms of promoting Japan’s democratization, instead of being a ‘dark valley黑暗的幽谷’ under militarist control as it used to be, Japan lost its autonomy to the USA-led SCAP government for a short while after the Second World War but was paved a way for its democratization in the long run and has remained a democratic country until now. Therefore, the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s political development.

Economically speaking, the USA somewhat hindered Japan’s economic development in the late 20th century but was still key to Japan’s post-war economic recovery, thus facilitating more than hindering the country’s development. In terms of hinderance妨礙, since Japan reversed its trade deficit貿易逆差 with the USA in 1965, there had been friction due to economic reasons between the two nations. The USA started imposing a 100% punitive tariff懲罰性關稅 on Japanese semiconductors半導體, color televisions and cars in the 1980s, leading to a plunge in Japan’s exports, closedown of production lines and eventually its economic recession in the 1990s. In terms of facilitation促進, not only did the USA provide loans amounting US$2 billion for Japan to facilitate its economic development, but it also introduced sweeping reforms through the USA-led SCAP government. These measures included dissolving the zaibatsu解散財閥 to end their monopoly and allow medium and small-sized enterprises to thrive in a fair and free environment, as well as purchasing land from landlords who owned more farmland than what the law allowed and reselling it to tenant farmers佃農 at extremely low prices in order to release 80% of Japan’s cultivated land and boost productivity by letting peasants farm their own land. With the generous support of America, Japan’s economy revived quickly as exemplified by its annual economic growth rate reaching 9.9% in the period 1946-51. In comparison, as far as the first step of Japan’s economic development is concerned, the USA played a significant role by providing massive loans and creating a favourable business environment that allowed Japan to revitalize its economy in a short time. Despite the punitive tariff imposed on Japan in the late 20th century, the USA stood as Japan’s largest trading partner in the second half of the 20th century and had brought substantial trade surplus貿易順差 to Japan since 1965. It was clear that the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s economic development.

Militarily speaking, the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s military development in the long run. In terms of hinderance妨礙, Japan’s military development was inhibited early in the post-war period under the USA-led Allied Occupation. The SCAP purged rightists and forbade the Japanese government to maintain an army, weakening Japan’s military power and depriving it of the ability to protect itself temporarily. In terms of facilitation促進, before its withdrawal in 1952, the USA signed the Mutual Security Pact日美安全保障條約 with Japan in 1951 that guaranteed American military presence to protect Japan. As a result, there was huge reduction in Japan’s military expenses, which accounted for only 1% of the country’s GDP every year, and the money saved for alternative purposes facilitated Japan’s economic recovery. Although Japan remained militarily weak in the early post-war period, American military presence made up for this shortcoming and allowed Japan to protect itself from external threats. Later on, with the great economic strength it built up over the years, Japan re-started its military expansion and became the world’s second largest military spender in 1983. By the end of the 20th century, Japan ranked second in the world in terms of overall naval capabilities after the dissolution of the USSR. In addition, with American technological support, Japan became able to manufacture F-15 fighter jets and was the front-runner in Asia in terms of air forces. In comparison, as far as Japan’s overall development is concerned, pre-war Japan was overly focused on military development and eventually brought to its knees, while post-war Japan had its military development limited by the USA but their close military ties closed the loopholes in national defense and allowed Japan to recover quickly from the war and restart its military build-up afterwards. As a result, Japan was able to revive as a global military power with balanced development. Therefore, the USA also facilitated more than hindered Japan’s military development.

Although the USA facilitated more than hindered Japan’s development in political, economic and military aspects, it hindered more than facilitated the development of Japan in diplomatic aspect.

Diplomatically speaking, the USA embroiled Japan in the Cold War despite the fact that it also helped Japan improve the relations with the neighbouring countries, hindering more than facilitating Japan’s diplomatic development. In terms of facilitation促進, the USA-led SCAP government helped improve Japan’s relations with the neighbouring countries. For example, the USA as the middleman convened the San Francisco Conference三藩市會議(1951) and arranged war reparations agreements between Japan and Southeast Asian countries, enabling Japan to establish diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries. In addition, the USA had mediated between Japan and South Korea since 1951 and arranged throughout 13 years and 8 months seven rounds of talks, which eventually led to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1965. In this way, Japan gradually established its relationships with other capitalist countries. In terms of hinderance妨礙, post-war Japan was controlled by the USA-led SCAP government and its diplomatic policy was greatly influenced by the USA, having less autonomy in diplomatic aspect. Used by the USA as a pawn against communism, Japan maintained strained relations with many communist states. For example, during the Korean War韓戰(1950-53) and Vietnam War越戰(1961-75), the USA made Japan its supply base in its two wars against communism, leading to the hostility between Japan and countries such as North Korea, North Vietnam and China. The two sides did not establish any diplomatic relations and remained hostile towards each other before the 1970s. In comparison, in terms of diplomatic autonomy and diversity, after the Allied Occupation took place, Japan did not have complete control over its foreign policy that was under American influence and manipulation, and it was even embroiled in the Cold War and maintained long-term hostility with communist states. Therefore, the USA hindered more than facilitated Japan’s diplomatic development.

In conclusion, the USA had significant influence over Japan after the Second World War, facilitating as well as hindering its development in many ways. The USA did more good than harm to Japan in political, economic and military aspect, but things were quite the opposite in diplomatic aspect. Overall speaking, the American influence took its toll but its positive impact played an important role in shaping modern Japan. Therefore, the statement was valid to a large extent.




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