背景 1949年中國共產黨擊敗了國民黨,建立了中華人民共和國。 // 架構中華人民共和國的建立為中國政治、經濟、社會、軍事及外交方面均帶來了翻天覆地的轉變,是中國近代歷史的轉捩點。
主旨句 政治方面,1949年是中國政體由資本主義政體轉變成為共產主義政體的轉捩點。 // 核心點前的情況 1949年前,執政的國民黨按照孫中山的建國大綱,逐步實行軍權、訓政、憲政,希望將中國打造成為類近於美、法等資本主義國家的共和政制國家。至1946年,南京政府頒布了《中華民國憲法》,確立了行政、立法、司法、考試、監察五權分立,並且設有國會、內閣及總統,令中國成為一個資本主義形式的共和政體。 // 核心點及核心點後的情況然而,至1949年,由於國民黨於第二次國共內戰中戰敗,被迫敗走台灣,共產黨成功取得了中國政權,建立了中華人民共和國。1949年後,中國正式搖身一變成為一個共產主義國家,摒棄了過往五權分立的模式而實行一黨專政,所有權力收歸共產黨所有,國務院、全國人大及中央軍委會等主要政府機構均由共產黨人員出任。// 對比 相比之下,1949年中國實行資本主義形式的共和政制,但由於1949年共產黨擊敗了國民黨,令中國政體轉變至共產主義政體,更沿用至今,可見1949年的確是中國政治方面的轉捩點。
In what ways could the year 1949 be regarded as a turning point in modern Chinese history?
In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party defeated the Kuomintang and announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, which led to sweeping changes in political, economic, social, military and diplomatic aspects of China. Therefore, the year was a turning point in modern Chinese history.
Politically speaking, the year 1949 was the turning point when China’s political system changed from a capitalist one to a communist one. Before 1949, the ruling Kuomintang followed Sun Yat-sen’s ‘Fundamentals of National Reconstruction’ to proceed from military rule to political tutelage and to constitutional government. The goal was to establish a republic in China similar to capitalist countries such as America and France. In 1946, the Nanjing government also promulgated the Constitution of the Republic of China that guaranteed the separation of the five powers represented by the Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Control and Examination Yuans, and the presence of a parliament, cabinet and president, making China a capitalist republic. However, in 1949, the Kuomintang was defeated in the Chinese Civil War and had to flee to Taiwan, while the Communist Party took control of China and established the People’s Republic of China. After 1949, China was transformed into a communist country. The five-power separation was replaced by one-party dictatorship, under which the Communist Party enjoyed complete power and its members filled up all positions in major government institutions such as the State Council, National People’s Congress and Central Military Commission. In comparison, China before 1949 was a republic running a capitalist system, but the Communist Party defeated the Kuomintang in 1949 and installed a communist regime that has existed until now. Therefore, the year 1949 was a turning point for China politically.
Economically speaking, the year 1949 was a turning point for China’s economic system and mode of production. Before 1949, China under Nanjing rule had a free market economy that was a product of capitalism. It allowed free trade and greatly promoted the development of the financial and commercial sectors. For example, it set up the Central Bank in 1928 to regulate the financial industry, and introduced a series of economic regulations such as the Exchange Act and Weights and Measures Act to create a business-friendly environment. In addition, people could work on their own will and production was individualized instead of collectivized. However, after the communist takeover in 1949, China came under strict control by the communists and the government implemented five-year plans to manipulate the economy. After 1949, the commercial and financial sectors as well as trade were regulated. In 1953, the government adopted the unified purchase and marketing system to control the origin and supply of food, and this undermined the country’s economic freedom. In addition, in order to realize communism, the government enforced collectivization of production as exemplified by the People’s Communes (1958) and production teams formed during the Great Leap Forward. In comparison, China’s economy changed from a free economy before 1949 to a highly planned economy after that, and its mode of production also changed from individualized to collectivized. With significant changes in its economic system and mode, the year was a turning point.
In social aspect, the year 1949 was the turning point when China’s social class structure was reversed. Before 1949, the bourgeoisie had dominance over the proletariat. The upper class was filled by merchants, entrepreneurs and landlords who enjoyed most of the fruits of economic growth, and of those, the most representative were the Big Four Families (Song, Chen, Jiang and Kong) who monopolized the economy during the Nanjing period. In stark contrast, most workers and peasants led a poor life and worked for the bourgeoisie. The proletariat had low social status and were exploited by the bourgeoisie before 1949. However, in 1949, the Communist Party that advocated the leadership of the working class defeated the Kuomintang and established a regime headed by the proletariat. After 1949, the number of the bourgeoisie plummeted since many of them emigrated for fear that the communists would jeopardize their interests. Also, the Communist Party actively sought to suppress the bourgeoisie after founding the PRC. For instance, it announced the Agrarian Reform Law in 1950 to expropriate land from landlords and redistribute it to peasants who had no land. In addition to further suppression during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), the bourgeoisie had disappeared by the end of the Maoist period. In comparison, the bourgeoisie had dominance over the proletariat before 1949, but after the founding of the PRC in 1949, the proletariat turned the tables on the bourgeoisie and became the leading class of society. Therefore, the year was the turning point marking the shift in China’s social class structure.
In military aspect, the year 1949 was the turning point marking the transition from war to peace in China. Before 1949, China was trapped in wars for long. The death of Yuan Shikai in 1916 was immediately followed by the chaotic Warlord Era. Although the Nanjing government got rid of warlords by military means in the successful Northern Expedition in 1928, it started its sustained effort against the Communist Party and even launched five encirclement campaigns against the communists between 1933 and 1934. The Japanese invasion put the war between the two parties into hiatus but the civil war continued after Japan’s surrender in 1945. It was clear that China was fighting in wars in almost the whole first half of the 20th century. However, the CCP soon defeated the KMT in the Chinese Civil War and killed 1.5 million KMT soldiers in the three major campaigns (Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin Campaigns), forcing the nationalists to flee to Taiwan. After 1949, the Communist Party took full control of China and ended the prolonged wars. There had been no major civil wars or foreign invasions affecting China since 1949. In comparison, China suffered successive wars in the first half of the 20th century and experienced the Warlord Era, Japanese invasion, Chinese Civil War and other armed conflicts, but all these ended as the CCP defeated the KMT in the year 1949, which was therefore a turning point.
In diplomatic aspect, the year 1949 was the turning point when China abandoned multilateral diplomacy for unilateral diplomacy. Before 1949, China adopted multilateral foreign policy and actively built ties with different countries in order to abolish unequal treaties and resist Japanese invasions. For example, in 1943, Chiang Kai-shek attended the Cairo Conference to discuss the above matters with the leaders of America and Britain. In addition, despite the KMT’s hostility with the Soviets, the CCP retained close ties with the USSR and the Soviets even gave all the weapons seized from the Japanese to the communists. However, when the PRC was established in 1949, the CCP loathed capitalist countries like America that used to support the KMT, while Western countries were suspicious of Communist China. After 1949, there was a long-term split between China and capitalist countries, and China implemented a unilateral foreign policy by only building relations with communist countries. For example, it signed the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance in 1950 that guaranteed its friendly relationship with the USSR. Also, it also fought in the Korean War of 1950-53 in favour of North Korea, providing assistance for a communist country. In comparison, China before 1949 exercised multilateral diplomacy and had connections with both capitalist and communist countries, but after 1949 it used unilateral diplomacy and developed relations only with communist countries. The year was therefore a turning point in China’s diplomatic development.
In conclusion, the founding of the new China did cause sweeping changes in political, economic, social, military and diplomatic aspects of the country, being a turning point in modern Chinese history.