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背景 中國於1978年開始實行改革開放政策,逐步開放國內市場,令中國出現了嶄新性的轉變,不但改變了國內狀況,對於中國與其他亞洲國家關係的發展也起了顯著的作用。 // 架構其中,改革開放在經濟、社會及軍事方面改善了中國與其他亞洲國家的關係,但在政治方面則依然帶來了部分負面影響。

主旨句經濟方面,改革開放增加了中國與其他亞洲國家的經貿往來,促進了雙邊關係的發展。 // 段落內容 1978年前,中國在毛澤東的領導下推行自給自足的經濟策略,不主張對外貿易,因此中國與鄰近亞洲國家的經濟往來受到限制。但隨著改革開放於1978年推行,中國逐步開放國內市場,先於1979年在廣東及福建兩省試辨經濟特區,及後於1980年正式在深圳、珠海、汕頭及廈門建立四大經濟特區。往後,中國分別於1984年及1992年開放多14個沿海城市及30多個長江沿岸和邊境城市,吸引外資,並且發展對外貿易。結果,在1990年代,中國與亞洲經濟體系的貿易額年均增長達16%,至1999年雙方貿易額已高達2,700多億美元,建立了緊密的貿易關係。此外,中國亦積極與其他國家在經濟及貿易上進行交流,例如於1991年加入亞太經合組織、1994年起參與東盟地區論壇等,使中國與鄰國的經濟交流與日俱增,大大促進了雙邊關係的發展。 // 小結可見,改革開放使中國與其他亞洲國家在經濟上的接觸日愈頻繁,促進了雙方關係的發展。






Discuss the ways in which the Reform and Opening Up has affected China’s relations with other Asian countries.

China has implemented the Reform and Opening Up policy since 1978, gradually opening up the domestic market. Transformation has taken place. The Reform and Opening Up policy not only changed the internal situation of China, but it also had significant effect on the development of the relationships between China and other Asian countries. The Reform and Opening Up policy improved their relationships in economic, social and military aspects, but it still brought detrimental effects in political aspect.

In economic aspect, the Reform and Opening Up policy increased trade between China and other Asian countries, facilitating the development of bilateral relationship. Before 1978, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the economic policy of self-sufficiency which did not advocate foreign trade was carried out in China, so the economic interaction between China and the nearby Asian countries was restricted. However, with the implementation of the Reform and Opening Up policy in 1978, China opened up its domestic market gradually. The government made its very first attempt to set up Special Economic Zones (SEZs) 經濟特區 in Guangdong and Fujian provinces in 1979. Then, it officially established the four major SEZs in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen in 1980. After that, it opened up 14 more coastal cities in 1984 and more than 30 cities along Yangtze River and its state border gradually starting from 1992 so as to attract foreign investment and develop foreign trade. As a result, the total trade of China with other Asian countries increased at an annual rate of 16% in the 1990s and their bilateral trade reached US$270 billion in 1999, establishing tight trading relationship. In addition, China cooperated with other countries actively in the fields of economy and trade. For example, it joined the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 亞太經合組織in 1991 and started participating in the ASEAN Regional Forum東盟地區論壇 in 1994. China had more economic interactions with the neighbouring countries, facilitating development of bilateral relationship greatly. Therefore, the Reform and Opening Up policy facilitated the economic interaction between China and other Asian countries, promoting the development of their relationships.

In social aspect, the Reform and Opening Up policy increased the social interaction between China and other Asian countries, favoring the development of relationship between both sides. Before the Reform and Opening Up policy, the thought of exclusionism from the Cultural Revolution harmed the relationships between China and other Asian countries. They had limited social interaction. With the implementation of the Reform and Opening Up policy, China adopted more open policy to foreign countries, increasing cultural interaction with other Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and other Southeast Asian countries day by day. China reorganized the Ministry of Culture文化部 and established the Bureau for External Cultural Relations對外文化聯絡局 which is in charge of foreign affairs in cultural work and cultural exchanges in 1987, strengthening the cultural interaction with the neignbouring countries. It also signed many different cultural cooperation agreements with other states. For example, it signed a cultural agreement with India印度 in 1995, which included interactions of education, culture, art, social science and other aspects. The interaction between China and neighboring countries became more frequent. Mutual communication and understanding were facilitated. Therefore, the Reform and Opening Up policy provided a favourable atmosphere for China to increase its cultural interaction with other Asian countries, favouring the development of bilateral relationship.

In military aspect, the Reform and Opening Up policy caused China to reduce military expenses and armed forces, improving its relationship with other Asian countries. Before the Reform and Opening Up policy, China invested heavily in military aspect. Military expenses accounted for 24% of the treasury in 1969, and the number of army reached 6.31 million at the same year, causing tremendous pressure on national defense to the nearby Asian countries. However, with the implementation of the policy, the military development of China slowed down as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had to invest more and put more resources in economic and educational aspects. Also, China hoped to increase the economic interaction with foreign countries by improving their relationship so the CCP slowed down the development on military aspect. For instance, military expenses were gradually cut down to 9.58% in 1985. In the same year, the size of the PLA was reduced by a million, which was 1/4 of the total number of soldiers in the army. Later on, the CCP continued to reduce the size of army actively. For example, it reduced it by 0.5 million in 1997. The large scale disarmament of China greatly reduced the fear of foreign countries on China’s military development, improving the relationship between China and the nearby Asian countries. Therefore, the Reform and Opening Up policy slowed down the military development of China, improving its relationship with the nearby Asian countries.

Although the Reform and Opening Up policy helped facilitate the development of the relationships between China and the nearby Asian countries in economic, social and military aspects, it also brought adverse impact to the development of their relationships in political aspect.

In political aspect, the national power of China rose abruptly due to the Reform and Opening Up policy, increasing the suspicion of other countries to China. Building harmonious relationships between China and other countries was more difficult. Before the Reform and Opening Up policy, despite the tremendous size of army of China, other countries could not be threatened by China as it was attacked by foreign countries. However, after the Reform and Opening Up policy, China improved its relationship with foreign countries by opening up the domestic market. Diplomatic isolation was gradually abandoned and China started to return to international arena. Moreover, China became more powerful after the Reform and Opening Up policy. The GNP of China was growing at an average annual rate of 9.6% during 1979-99. The GDP per capita also increased from 379 yuan in 1978 to 7,159 yuan in 1999. Yet, the expansion of national power aroused suspicion of the foreign countries. “China Threat中國威脅論” Theory even appeared. As a result, although the Reform and Opening Up policy improved the relationship between China and the nearby Asian countries, it raised the suspicion of other Asian countries to China. China could not build harmonious and friendly relationship with the neighboring countries. Therefore, the sudden emerge of China due to the Reform and Opening Up policy brought detrimental effect to its relationship with other Asian countries indirectly.

To conclude, the Reform and Opening Up policy brought great influence to relationships between China and other Asian countries. In spite of bilateral relationship development in economic, social and military aspects, in political aspect, suspicion of other countries to China increased. Thus, even though their relationship were improved due to the policy, suspicion existed among them mutually, constraining the development of their relationship.






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