定義 極權主義是一種崇尚武力,主張對外擴張的意識形態。 // 架構自極權主義興起後,這些極權主義國家不斷發動侵略、締結侵略同盟,而極權蘇聯也解除了德國腹背受敵的憂慮,最終令二次大戰在極權主義國家的侵略下爆發。 // 立場因此,極權主義的興起在很大程度上導致了二次大戰的爆發。
主旨句首先,極權主義國家發動侵略,使大戰變得無可避免。 // 主項重要性自極權主義在世界各地興起後,如法西斯墨索里尼於1922年上台、軍國主義在1930年代的日本興起及納粹希特拉在1933年取得權力。這些極權主義者在獲得政權後一步一步進行侵略,如意大利早於1923年已經炮轟科孚島、於1924年迫使南斯拉夫交出阜姆予意大利,使國際氣氛變得緊張。更甚,這些極權國家在1930年代的侵略變得更具侵略性,如日本於1937年全面入侵中國,使亞洲戰事爆發。歐洲方面,德國的擴張更直接導致大戰的爆發,其先於1938年吞併奧地利及蘇台德區,後於1939年吞併捷克。最終,大戰於德國突襲波蘭後爆發。 // 小結可見,極權國家的侵略是導致二次大戰爆發的最直接因素。
主旨句 其一,一次大戰的影響也導致了大戰的爆發,但重要性較極權主義的興起次之。 // 他項重要性一次大戰不但對歐洲各國的經濟造成重大破壞,令列強需要專注於解決經濟問題,而未能充分合作。同時,為解決一次大戰後的問題而舉行的巴黎和會存有極大的不公,嚴苛的《凡爾賽條約》成為德人不滿的來源,有助日後希特拉的崛起,並發動侵略,導致大戰爆發。 // 駁論然而,一次大戰後,德國和日本的極權主義力量未有隨即獲得人民的重大支持,極權主義於1920年代的勢力仍然有限。而且,歐洲於戰後出現一股尋求和平的氣氛,如有國聯、裁軍會議及和平條約的出現,1920年代甚至被稱為「歐洲的蜜月期」。然而,極權德國及日本的出現打破了和平的氣氛,如日本侵略中國的「九一八事變」、德國吞併捷克全境(1939)等,均使歐洲陷入緊張的局面,瓦解了尋求和平的氣氛,最終更因極權主義的侵略而導致了二戰的爆發。 // 小結可見,極權主義的興起才是導致大戰爆發的最主要因素。
To what extent did the rise of totalitarianism bring the outbreak of the Second World War?
Totalitarianism is an ideology which advocated violence and foreign expansion. Since the rise of totalitarianism, these totalitarian states initiated invasions and formed military alliances. Also, totalitarian Soviet Union eliminated the German worry of being attacked front and rear, which the WW2 broke out under the aggressions of totalitarian states. Therefore, the rise of totalitarian states brought the outbreak of WW2 to a large extent.
Firstly, totalitarian states initiated invasions which made the war inevitable. Totalitarianism rose to power in places all over the world. For instance, fascist Mussolini法西斯墨索里尼 got power in 1922, militarism軍國主義 rose in Japan in the 1930s, as well as Nazi Hitler納粹希特拉 grabbed the ruling power in 1933. These totalitarian dictators started invasions gradually after getting the political power. For instance, Italy bombarded Corfu Island科孚島 as early as in 1923, she then forced Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 to give up Fiume阜姆 in 1924. These aggressions intensified the international circumstance. Worse still, invasions initiated by these totalitarian states became more aggressive in the 1930s. For instance, Japan invaded the whole of China全面入侵中國 in 1937, thus sparked off wars in Asia. In Europe, the expansion of Germany directly led to the outbreak of war. She first annexed Austria奧地利 and Sudetenland蘇台德區in 1938, then invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939. Eventually, she assaulted Poland波蘭 which directly caused the outbreak of world war. This showed that the invasion of totalitarian states was the most direct factor leading to WW2.
Moreover, totalitarian states formed military alliances, and sparked off WW2 under numerous invasions. Totalitarianism rose to power in Italy, Germany and Japan. These countries advocated foreign expansion, and they formed military alliances under this similar ideology. They encouraged and recognized others’ foreign expansion. For instance, Germany formed the ‘Berlin-Rome Axis’ 「柏林—羅馬軸心」 with Italy and the ‘Anti-Comintern Pact’ 《反共產國際協定》 with Japan respectively in 1936 which united the aggressors. Later, the forming of ‘Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis’ 「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」 in 1937 even increased the aggressiveness of these three countries. In 1939, Germany and Italy formed the ‘Pact of Steel’ 《鋼鐵條約》, which promised to provide aids to each other in case of war. It showed their readiness of initiating wars. Hence, Germany assaulted Poland and Italy invaded Albania in the same year, which sparked off WW2. This showed that the totalitarian states formed military alliances and was a major reason for the outbreak of WW2.
Furthermore, communist Soviet Union eliminated the German worry of being attacked front and rear, which led to the WW2 when both of them tried to divide Poland. Totalitarian Soviet Union had great fear on German expansion, particularly when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia捷克 in 1939. Soviet Union afraid that she would get involved in wars if Germany continue expanding to the East. Therefore, she signed the ‘Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact’ 《互不侵犯條約》 with Germany in August 1939, which promised not to intervene in each other’s affairs in ten years. They also planned to divide Poland. The signing of this treaty eliminated the German worry of being attacked both in the East and West by France and Soviet Union. This also prepared Germany for wars. Thus, in one month after its signing, Germany assaulted Poland and prompted the occurrence of WW2. This showed that totalitarian Soviet Union eliminated the worry of Germany, and contributed a lot to the outbreak of WW2.
Although other factors also contributed to the outbreak of world war, they were less important than the rise of totalitarianism.
Firstly, effects of WW1 led to the outbreak of WW2, but it had relatively less significance. WW1 created huge damage to the economy of European countries which forced the powers to deal with their internal economic problems and failed to cooperate. At the same time, unfairness existed in the Paris Peace Conference巴黎和會 that was held to solve the post-WW1 problems. The harsh Treaty of Versailles《凡爾賽條約》 became the origin for the discontent of Germans which later facilitated the rise of Hitler. He initiated aggressions and sparked off WW2. However, after WW1, totalitarianism in Germany and Japan did not gain immense support immediately. Their influence was still limited in the 1920s. Also, Europe had a desire for peace at that time. This was proved by the establishment of the League of Nations, the calling of disarmament conferences and the signing of peace treaties. The 1920s was also seen as the ‘Honeymoon Period in Europe’ 歐洲的蜜月期. However, the rise of totalitarian Germany and Japan shattered the peace atmosphere. For instance, Japan invaded China in September 18th Incident九一八事變, Germany annexed the whole of Czechoslovakia捷克(1939), etc. These invasions intensified the situation in Europe and dissolved the atmosphere of seeking peace. Eventually, the aggressions of totalitarian states led to the outbreak of WW2. Therefore, the rise of totalitarianism was the major reason bringing the outbreak of war.
Secondly, failure of the collective security system was less important than the rise of totalitarianism in leading WW2. Failure of the collective security system greatly prompted the aggression of invaders. For instance, the League of Nations failed to sanction Japan for invading China in the September 18th Incident九一八事件(1931). As a result, Japan invaded the whole of China in 1937. Also, peace treaties, such as the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約, were powerless as no punishments was included in those clauses. They were ineffective in deterring aggressions. However, failure of collective security system was a result of the rise of totalitarianism. As Germany, Italy and Japan quitted the League of Nations in 1933 and 1937 respectively, not all powers were participating in the League at the same time and its effectiveness was greatly reduced. Moreover, totalitarian states destroyed and neglected the collective security system. For instance, although Japan was being condemned by the League of Nations after September 18th Incident九一八事變 in 1931, she ignored such accusation. Worse still, she invaded the whole of China in 1937 which sparked off numerous wars. This showed that the rise of totalitarianism was more important than the failure of collective security system.
Thirdly, the appeasement policy綏靖政策 was one of the factors leading to the outbreak of WW1, but it had less significance than the rise of totalitarianism. Britain and France adopted appeasement policy which used ways like giving in and compromising to satisfy invaders. For instance, Britain and France gave Sudetenland蘇台德區 to Germany in the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 in 1938. However, adverse effect of encouraging invasions was created. As totalitarian states initiated invasions, there was a need for the implementation of appeasement policy to stop them. For instance, in 1938, the Munich Conference慕尼黑會議 was organized to discuss on appeasement due to the desire of Germany in getting Sudetenland蘇台德區. Hence, in considering the casual relationship, totalitarianism led to the occurrence of appeasement policy. Therefore, totalitarianism was an active factor, appeasement policy was a passive factor in response to the expansion of totalitarian states. This showed that the rise of totalitarianism was more important than appeasement policy.
To sum up, invasions of totalitarian states sparked off wars in the world. Hence, to a large extent it brought the outbreak of the Second World War. Others factors were just to a small extent contributed to the occurrence of a world war.